Estate & Financial Planning
Planning for the future starts now
Can You Retire Today?
Many factors influence your retirement date. Input your financial information and savings rate, and use this tool to visualize what your retirement date (and capital) could look like.
Financial Planning Leverages Multiple Approaches
A strong financial plan looks at the whole picture, from assets to anticipated retirement needs.
Plan Your Legacy and Ensure Your Wishes Are Respected.
Estate Planning
helps you visualize your legacy and how your successors should handle your estate. All of your estate’s assets, including your business interests, are considered in this plan. For entrepreneurs and business owners, as well as those with business interests that require consideration, succession planning is also part of this conversation.
We will review your existing will, power of attorney, and end of life planning documents. If you don’t already have these plans in place, we will help create this with you and ensure your needs are met.
Estate Planning Includes:
- Business succession planning
- Will and power of attorney
- Estate preservation, including insurance, minimizing tax liabilities, and ensuring your estate is appropriately structured.
Get Eyes On Your Financial Health, and Plan For Your Goals.
Financial Planning
considers the entire picture: your assets, liabilities, opportunities, and dependencies. A well-executed financial plan ensures that you have appropriate insurance coverage, the right investment mix, and a sound budget that lets you enjoy life while you pursue your goals.
Your Insurance Coverage
extends beyond just life insurance to critical illness and disability as well. Based on your lifestyle and family needs, your insurance policies provide financial clarity and peace of mind for tough situations. Read more about our insurance services.
Your Investment Portfolio
should reflect your lifestyle, goals, and level of aggression. Our investment allocation and product mix – the stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, etc. we recommend – are based on our CORE/TACTICAL model. Read more about our managed investment services.
Your Budget
helps tie it all together, providing you with visibility on how the day to day and month to month will influence your future years and decades.
Create A Plan For Your Future That Sets You Up For Success.
Your Retirement Plan
will factor in all your assets, income streams, liabilities, and insurance. It will also review your budget and provide clarity on what has to happen to achieve your intended outcome.
We start by getting an accurate analysis of your current financial picture. We then look to your planned retirement age and see what lifestyle choices are needed in order for you to get there.
We factor in all your income streams, including use of expected RRSP/TFSA’s, pensions, CPP, OAS, inheritances, etc.
With the above information in place, we help you plan a budget that will set you up for success. You’ll know how much to save, how long you need to work, and when your retirement date could be.
Retirement planning includes:
- In-depth analysis of your current financial health and near-term outlook
- Review of your investment mix, allocations, and goals
- Review of projected future income streams, including RRSPs, TFSAs, pensions, CPP, OAS, inheritances, cash flowing business interests, etc.
- A financial calculator and budget that helps you visualize your savings goals
The Three Pillars of Your Plan
Estate Planning
Financial Planning
Retirement Planning
Tools from the Experts
Financial Tools & Resources
We have created several case studies and tools to help you, as well as a regularly updated blog that explores personal finance, investing, tax planning, insurance, and more.